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Joyless Reading
David Lisgo
Joyless Reading
Report from Ontario: No joy in reading for half of students. Push to boost literacy test scores blamed for �worrying trend�
�The People for Education report cites several possible reasons for the decline, including the intense focus on literacy, which is good but �maybe there�s a part of that focus that makes kids see reading as work, and that�s taken away some of the fun and joy,� Kidder said. S...tudents may not consider all the reading they do online � from websites to text messages � as �real� reading. Or they may not enjoy the reading they do at school, she added.
The report also points to the dearth of teacher-librarians in Ontario schools; many studies show a significant correlation between having a teacher who is also trained as a librarian in an elementary school and the number of kids who like to read. �
I am planning on publishing a couple of readers next year and will use some of the stories I have uploaded here, but for comprehension I plan to personalise half of the comprehension questions. So many time I see comprehension questions which disect the text into meaningless and uninteresting portions and then we serve it up tastelessly to our students.
How do you help make reading comprehension a meaningful and pleasurable experience?
David |
18 Dec 2011
Thought-provoking questions are a good start... What would you do if you were in the same situation... etc. Does it remind you of something that had happened to you or your family... - personalising and finding the connection with the life of the reader... It really depends on the age of readers and on the text itself... Sometimes the illustrations are even more important for discussion than the text. I will never forget the joy of reading Gerald Durrell �s Talking Parcel. The illustrations of Adolf Born were wonderful, playful and charming. Not only the teachers and librarians are important but the parents as well. How can you persuade a kid to read when the kid never sees his parents reading and enjoying the books and discussing their books and opinions on them...? Reading habits are important too - routine... I used to look forward to the 8 o �clock in the evening because that was my reading time. I would nest myself in bed comfortably, switch on the small lamp and dive into the world of fantasy. Isn �t it the best end of the day you can imagine? (no TV in the kid �s bedroom!) The comprehension questions and tasks must be fun. My favourite task was to imagine a different ending of the story and drawing a cover for the story / book myself... :-D Dramatic reading helps too - teacher �s or parent �s or on the radio...
18 Dec 2011