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Teaching material > Using Youtube-videos...
Using Youtube-videos...
Using Youtube-videos...
Dear colleagues,
I am currently using the material "Muzzy in Gondoland" with my 4th graders - I love it, and so do they! : )
I �m also teaching 5th grade and 6th grade, and my question is if any of you know of something similar for s older pupils. I know about "Muzzy comes back", but that �s for 4th graders too, right?
I would love to find videos or preferrably a series of videos (on youtube?) which I could use. I would make my own worksheets, wordlists and pictionaries etc.; I just need something which would catch the pupils � attention.
Any ideas?
: ) Karina
8 Jan 2012
Here are the videos about Britain I like to use in class (if you look at the links on your right you �ll find more) I �m not sure if this is what you �re looking for... If you like animated series, The Berenstain Bears is a good one, but it �s American English. Check it yourself: Sophia |
8 Jan 2012
For Sophia (uslteacher)
I am having a look at the videos about Britain you recommended Karina and, in my opinion, they �re great. They fully suit my needs so I really thank you for the link. I can see it is a series of 8 videos that include corresponding worksheets ....and my question is....... Have you got those worksheets? or Do you know if or where I can download them? It would be fab to have them.
Thank you very much dear friend for your kindness!
8 Jan 2012
Girls, girls!The uploader has included links for the worksheets under his videos Just read the full description! |
8 Jan 2012
Thanks Katerina! I absolutely forgot! How clever of you point out:)!!!!@
starrr :
The site �s policy:Do not publish your email, telephone number or address in the forum. Anybody could see it. It is not safe. Sophia
8 Jan 2012
Sophia, Thanks so much for the wonderful videos, |
8 Jan 2012
Wheeee, thanks so much, wonderful people! Am off to bed now, but can �t wait to look at all of your ideas tomorrow. Thanks!!!!
8 Jan 2012