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Make A Donation
Make A Donation
Hello Everyone! Is it just me, in that I just noticed it, or is there a, "new," option to make a donation to ESLPrintables on the left hand side of the screen? In any case, I made a donation, as I find this site invaluable.
When I went onto the donation screen, Victor explained that ESLPrintables has become so large that it will need a new server soon. All I know about servers is that they are the main component of a large computer system that handles things like traffic flow/people visiting and using this site, maintains hundreds of thousands files, and has other multi-use functions; one like forums like this.
ESLPrintables is obviously highly valued by other members, I am sure that many too will think it a good idea to make a donation.
Have a great Monday everyone! |
30 Jan 2012
maryse pey�
Victor has done the changing of servor some weeks ago. It is OK now. Thanks for appreciating our addicting site ! |
30 Jan 2012