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Ask for help > Dear Brittish teachers!! I need your help :)
Dear Brittish teachers!! I need your help :)
Dear Brittish teachers!! I need your help :)
My dear colleagues in Britain! I need your help in a topic which is not much connected with English. One of my students is going to attend to a school in Cyprus, he �s going to have his exam at the end of February. We �ve just found out that he �ll be having a test in Maths as well and it �s going to be end of year 5 UK numeracy curriculum. Tell me please where can I find the standards of UK curriculum, or are there any tests online which we can pass? I don �t know what to expect, cause the educational systems are for sure different. Please, if you have any info write here or contact me, I �ll be really greatful! Regards, Erna
4 Feb 2012
here �s a website I found which has practice tests for the US Maths standardized tests Let �s see what people from the UK will say about those if they would do as practice for the test you mentioned. If not, then you could at least teach your student some Maths terms. Sophia
4 Feb 2012
Thanx a lot Sophia! Will have a look at it right now. Cheers for the day! Erna |
5 Feb 2012