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Auto biographies

Auto biographies
I am looking for an autobiography with a worksheet for an intermediate reading class.
Can you help me?
(not a biography. I have plenty of these but I can not find an auto biography) |
5 Feb 2012

Here �s a short article.You could create a worksheet from it.It �s about Albert Luthuli.
5 Feb 2012

Sophia and puddyd, you are both wonderful angels to respond so quickly.
I am so sorry to say that in my haste I forgot to specify that it must be approximately 450 words (350-550). The excellent links you gave are over 1000 words and much to advanced for my class�s level.
I am not keen to abridge anything just yet and am **hoping** that someone somewhere will magically say here is one just right for you. Hopefully this is not wishful thinking.
5 Feb 2012

Why not give half the class one half and the other half the other and ask them to read it in groups and explain to each other what they read? |
5 Feb 2012