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Ask for help > ESL Powerpoint exceeds 2 mg.
ESL Powerpoint exceeds 2 mg.
ESL Powerpoint exceeds 2 mg.
I am a new member and I have a large collection of Powerpoint presentations that I send home with my adult ESL students to practice. They all have embedded sound which means they almost always exceed 2mg. I take it that none of them can be uploaded? |
9 Feb 2012
You may need to break it into pieces. I �ve only done this once, but I wrote and read aloud a story with minimal pairs to differentiate pronunciation. I broke it into two parts, mentioned that in my comments, and they uploaded just fine. As long as the PP are your original work, there should be no problem. You might also think about omitting some of the sound files, or substituting smaller ones. |
9 Feb 2012
Welcome to the site:) Before you upload something, take a few minutes to read the rules to be on the safe side and in the know of what�s acceptable for uploading in terms of copyright material and stuff.
9 Feb 2012