We want to participate a comenius Project. We have prepared the Project application form. We have a role the coordinator of the Project.
We have arranged and organized all the details of the Project. We had some connection with abroad but we haven�t found a partner yet. We are urgently looking for a partner. The Project information is below. If you are interested in the Project, please contact with me.
We are from Turkey. And our school is Altın Nesil Private Hign School. (age: 14-19)
The institution is located in İneg�l, important district of Bursa. İneg�l is the third biggest town in Turkey. The institution accept students according to the result of the placement exam which is choosen among the exams that has given in related to academic year. After completed their education in the school, almost over ninty five percent of the students are succesful especially in the university entrance exam. There are three labs in the school and the physics course, the biology course and the chemistry course are given in these labs. The class are equipped technogically such as projectors, computers, speakers. There is also wireless internet connection available for teachers. The students can also use internet to for reseach under control of the school �s ICT coordinator.
The school put much emphasis on the students � both of academical and social development. Sharing the educational, social, academical and behavioral information of the students with the parents is urgent for the school. For this reason the school uses the web-site to share this information to the parents and they can check and follow their child �s development.
The school gives importance value education in academic year. The commission of teachers decide how the value education goes on the school and makes annual plan for value education. Especially implicit appliances are very important in value education.
The school provides three foreing language education; English, Germany and French.The institution put much ephasise on foreign language learning. To motivate students for language learning, the language teachers organize Language Festival in the school. The institution also provides them the opportunity to use their foreign language knowledge and skills in real environment. The school takes part in AIESEC projects, we host foreign students in our school and also host family �s home. In summer holidays, we arrange and organise summer camps in Taunton Schools.