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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Homonyms - Funny poem
Homonyms - Funny poem
Homonyms - Funny poem
Owed to My Spell Checker
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea see
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait aweigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.
Enjoy! It �s great for intermediate students!
19 Feb 2012
I �ll hike it very much indeed! (My poor attempt:) ) |
20 Feb 2012
The original one is here : |
20 Feb 2012