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Ask for help > ten million or ten millions?
ten million or ten millions?
ten million or ten millions?
How r u?
Can you tell me which choise is correct, please?
It costs SR ( ten million - ten millions ).
Thanks a lot
22 Feb 2012
why can �t use the plural form of millions? |
22 Feb 2012
Mariethe House
Hundred,thousand,million .. are numeral cardinal adjectives and like any other adjective, they don �t agree with the noun: 10 million euros/ eight hundred pounds/ 10 thousand riyals. your example: it cost me 10 million ( euros/pounds/ riyals)
Hope it helps
22 Feb 2012
You could however use millions in this sentence:
It cost me millions - meaning more than one million :-)
22 Feb 2012
It cost ten million
It cost millions
It cost millions of dollars
Dozen, hundred, thousand and million have no -s after a number, few or several
three dozen eggs
a few hundred fish eight thousand homes
several million dollars
Dozen, hundred, thousand and million have an -s only when there is no number (and sometimes of)
There are dozens of bottles in the cellar / There are dozens in the cellar
We �ve been there hundreds of times
Thousands of vistors visit the museum every month / Thousands visit every month
Antarctica has millions of penguins
(Check Swan - How English Works, 1997)
23 Feb 2012