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Ideas for perform fables with children!!!

Ideas for perform fables with children!!!
I`m asking for your help. I �m going to present some fables with my second grade children but I really have no idea how to do it or perform it, obviously the children are the ones who are performing the fable. Does any one have a good idea?
Thank in advance |
27 Feb 2012

You could transform the fables into dialogues ( normally they are quite short and there are two characters)> Then you can make the matching mask and the children perform the dialogues. |
27 Feb 2012

I did / adapted the Portuguese fable �Stone Soup� at the end of last year with 3/4 year olds. I used the song Something Good (is going to happen today) as the intro. We were able to involve the whole class (28 children) and props and such were easy to put together. used lots of plastic veggies, brown paper over their smart cloths (which was removed towards the end). The dialogue was very simplistic. And it was a lot of fun. I�ve also got to think of a new play for this year end. :
27 Feb 2012