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Games, activities and teaching ideas > The winner of the caption game
The winner of the caption game

The winner of the caption game
The winner of caption game 24/02/12!
Hi everybody, Thanks a lot for your captions. It was very hard to choose the winner. All of your captions were witty and funny. Some of them forced me to learn new expressions (such as the first one by cunliffe; I thought �clever dick� a rude expressions first , but my dictionary helped me a lot ). But finally I decided that Jayho�s caption is best for me. So, Jayho, it is up to you to choose another challenging picture for the game! Congratulations! And to the other participants � please don�t give up, the �game� must go on.
Love from Oto

And Jayho�s winning comment was: This bull is so big he won �t even fit in a china shop. |
27 Feb 2012

Yeah, Jayho �s was the best! |
27 Feb 2012

Thank you Oto - I feel honoured.
Cunliffe, I loved all your captions. In fact, I loved all the captions. We have very talented members here. |
27 Feb 2012