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Caption Contest Winner!

Caption Contest Winner!
The entries are in, and I have made my selection. I want to say that there were many creative captions for this picture.
This time, I left the logo on it. This picture was from a "photo/plasty" contest they had about 3 years ago entitled "If Everyday Objects Were Designed by MC Escher." This wasn �t the winner, but it was my favorite.
No one made the Escher connection (although Apodo came close), so I just picked the one I liked best: "The solution to world crisis, cut ... cut ... cut..." (My guess is that some people are going to get screwed as well, and I don �t mean in the sexual sense.) Congratulation, mariec! |
1 Mar 2012

Thanks for choosing me Moody, I�ll upload a picture as soon as possible,
Hope you are all having a happy day! |
1 Mar 2012