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Message board > Anybody interested in having a new friend on facebook?
Anybody interested in having a new friend on facebook?
Anybody interested in having a new friend on facebook?
Hello my English teachers !! , I was just wondering if you would be interested in adding me as your friend on facebook, and we could help each other whenever we need a little help...well in case you �re interested I �ll leave you my name to look for me there Humberto Ronquillo, Have a great day !! |
1 Mar 2012
OK Humberto. I will add you in my facebook profile..You will receive an invitation for friendship. just accept it. Hugs. starrr.;-)
1 Mar 2012
hi man . how are you? our lycee is interested to do some sort of partnership with and international one. i hape we can cooprerate.
my facebook id: rachid ramzy
have a nice time |
1 Mar 2012