Dear Cunliffe,
I �m not clear how the Questions are organised in these PowerPoints, nor what you mean by �highlighting � in this instance. However, it is easy to move a Slide to a different position, (from Slide 3 to Slide 4, for example). Just Click on "View" and then Click on "Slide Sorter". Then Click and Drag the Slide to where you want to put it.
On an individual Slide, you can move Words, Phrases, Sentences up or down by Highlighting the Word, etc. and dragging it to the new position.
You can change C. to A. (or B.) by Backspacing to Delete the C. and then retype A. This is just the same as altering a Letter in a Word Document.
However, I have never tried to complete an ESLP PowerPoint Exercise, so I may be talking a load of rubbish.
No doubt, some ICT genius will know exactly what your problem is, and give you better advice than I am giving.