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Concerning powerpoints > I think there īs an error regarding my powerpoints..
I think there īs an error regarding my powerpoints..
I think there īs an error regarding my powerpoints..
Dear teachers,
I need advice regarding the rules here on this site (wonderful, awesome site). I read and read the rules when I registered, and can īt understand the removal of two powerpoints I published some time ago.
One is the song "Imagine" by John Lennon, which took me days to compose, choosing images that would have more or less the same meaning as the lines being sang, and another one called "Very Good" with a suggestiong of 4 slides to be added by the teacher if by chance a pupil delivers a presentation done as a task. Instead of just giving the pupils only the marks, how nice and personal to take the presentations home and add some encouraging slides, with sounds of hands clapping, and other effects. I did it with my students and they were always delighted!
When uploading the ppt "Imagine", I added an explanation that that would be the sum up of a whole performance task, let me explain. Here in my country we use to give groups these kind of tasks that contain almost all the standards of the New Curriculum. The song by John Lennon talks about Peace and Love, and is a monumental proposal of harmony between the peoples. It is a "jewel" and in my humble opinion, it MUST be taught to every student in English. My performance task was about this subject, and after eliciting vocabulary for the song, words like "possessions", heaven, dreamer, etc., I asked the various groups to choose 2 lines each group and discuss them, and in addition they would suggest association to those lines, either pictures, other lines in songs, ideas, etc. For example, one of the groups suggested a picture of the Twin Towers together with the line "Nothing to kill or die for" (when I write this it brings tears to my eyes, I swear)...
The final lesson on the subject had this presentation as a sum-up, all the kids got a copy. It was such a success....
But my main question to you, dear colleagues and administrator of this great site, is why there are so many activities with songs, even other powerpoints, presenting the song and the lyrics, either in the form of worksheets, or activities online, and they were approved. I got two PM īs from administration telling me that my Powerpoints were reported, and I believe someone clicked the "report" button without reading my explanation.
I īm sorry for such a long post, but I īm really sad about it. I won īt add exercises to the presentations proving they are ESL activities, as suggested on those PM īs, this kind of addition would spoil them... :-(
Thank you!
PS: I am Brazilian, but I live in a country where this kind of message like Lennon īs SHOULD BE KNOWN BY HEART, and who better than us, English teachers, can teach it???
"Imagine there īs no heaven It īs easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today...
Imagine there īs no countries It isn īt hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace...
You may say I īm a dreamer But I īm not the only one I hope someday you īll join us And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...
You may say I īm a dreamer But I īm not the only one I hope someday you īll join us And the world will live as one " |
16 Mar 2012
I don īt recall seeing it. Did it have watermarked or copyrighted images? |
16 Mar 2012
Thank you for your answers!
Mariethe House, your idea is fantastic, I will think about it.. I īm afraid it might spoil the beauty of the Presentation... thank you anyway!
Jayho, I don īt think the images were copyrighted. There weren īt watermarked... |
16 Mar 2012
Oh, and Mariethe House, the explanations WERE written with the PowerPoint. I wrote them on the form where there is a writing box for comments. |
16 Mar 2012
Hi. Sometimes the report of a ws or ppt is a mistake and sometimes moderators vote for removal also by mistake. If you don īt agree with the fact of it being removed, I suggest you write a pm to victor, the administrator of the site, explaining all this to him and asking him to restore your powerpoint. |
16 Mar 2012
if you say so, then add some exercises and repost it again. simple.
anyway I would like to have it. if u can please send me it to my mail
[email protected]
thanks for it.
17 Mar 2012
Hi Sylvinhay,
I didn īt see it either, but all you need to do is add the extra slide with the suggestions for use as Mariethe suggested and it won īt need to spoil the beauty as you can make it an extra slide at the end with notes for teachers rather than a part of the presentation, so that the students never have to see it. You just hyperlink the slide before it back to the first page of the presentation.
Hope this helps and good luck. Julia
17 Mar 2012
My dear colleagues,
I followed your advice (adding slides with explanations), and I īm going to upload it again now. I hope it is ok.... it took me so much time to fix it, it is not simple as it seems ![LOL](
Dear coyote.chus, thank you for your words... I just don īt know how to send a PM to the administration, when I found those that said that this work would be removed, I sent a reply, now I understand that probably that PM wasn īt from Victor.... I īm new here...
Starrr, my Brazilian colleague, como vai (how are you)? I will send you the copy with much pleasure if this one isn īt approved.. I hope it is....
Julia (juliag), your advice was a great one, I put an initial slide explaining what the Presentation is, with a link to some last ones, and then another link to the song. I really hope this will be OK... It īs such a lovely song!!!
Kisses to everyone!!!
Sylvinha |
21 Mar 2012