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A Bit Confused on Sunday Evening
I do think that in that situation, you would say, �he looks as if he �s never seen that before � �never � takes in the sense of it, without the need for a pluperfect tense. |
19 Mar 2012
As I read the sentence, I used had not. And I don�t think it sounds awkward at all. I think Douglas�s explanation is the best so far. He is in the present, however �before� takes him into the past and therefore he had never (hadn�t) seen that before, although he is seeing it now. Me thinks.
Enjoy. |
19 Mar 2012
Dennismychina, why do you assume he �s seeing it now? �He looks as if he hasn �t ... � is fine and � �hasn �t seen � IS past. �He looks as if he hadn �t � does jar... Are there no professors of English on our site to pronounce??? |
19 Mar 2012
Thanks for the other suggestions. I understand Douglas� reply and I respect it. But, don�t you think the question is too difficult for a test for the level B1-B2? Even the native speakers here have "some problems" to give a clear and simple answer. And I can still feel some kind of tension over the "stupid" test question. |
19 Mar 2012
@dennismychina, But "before" is meaning "before now", not "before some time in the past", so I don �t think your explanation holds up. Bruce |
19 Mar 2012
Hi Oto, yes, this is not a good/fair question at that level. |
19 Mar 2012
Thanks all for your time, effort and willingness to help. I appreciate that very very much.
Hugs to all from the Czech Republic.
Oto |
19 Mar 2012
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