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Games, activities and teaching ideas > New Year´s Resolutions...
New Year´s Resolutions...
New Year´s Resolutions...
Happy New Year 2009 Everyone:
I think that many people are starting teaching again on Monday. I always start my first class of the year by having each student write down 5 New Year�s Resolutions. I explain to them what "New Year�s Resolutions" are first and then give them some time to think of their ideas and write them down. When they are done, I collect them and put them in an envelope. I usually wait until the end of that term and then hand them back to my students. They have a great time re-visiting their resolutions and I go around get them to tell me some of their resolutions. I think it is a fun way to start the New Year, and of course, it gives us teachers something to do for our first week back... |
3 Jan 2009
What a fantastic idea, fletsch! It�s great for warming them up!
Thanks! |
4 Jan 2009