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Ask for help > football or what?
football or what?
football or what?
Hello dear teachers. Two questions :
1.What is this sport called when they play football indoors,like a gym or sth.I guess there are 5 or 6 players in each team.Is it just football or is there any other name?
2.Is there any site or source where I can find the names of all sports in English?( as a list) and what about colours? My students know basic colour words but I want to teach them more than that. I just can tell them the name of colours but it �s more practical to show them the colour too.
Thanks and have a nice weekend. |
31 Mar 2012
Hi Benitto. I think it �s just �indoor football �. �Five a side � is very popular.
I will have a look for more and for something about colour.
Why, can anybody tell me, whenever I post a website, does it not come up in blue? I�ve got a feeling this is a stupid question.
31 Mar 2012
For colours, go onto the British Council website - choose LearnEnglish Kids. There �s a little search box, type in �colour � and take your pick. There are various little videos, with sound. I would say these are suitable for up to age 12 or 13.
31 Mar 2012
I �ve heard �futsal� here in Australia. Maybe it has special rules to what you are thinking of.
31 Mar 2012
If you want to make an active (blue) link, you need to highlight the address then click on the Insert hyperlink button- the little blue world with a chain link- that you see above the top of the box where you are typing, then click OK.
31 Mar 2012
I guess you �re referring to this:
or this (but I �d go for the first one):
31 Mar 2012
Many thanks Apodo and Kodora. I can do it now. Lynne
31 Mar 2012
Hello Benitto! Last week, I uploaded a power point that refers to Lionel Messi�s favourites. Messsi is now regarded one of the best Argentine footballers all around the world. He is now playing for The Barcelona Team.
The power point makes students talk about Messi�s favourire things, or to talk about his personal information. Then each student could talk about his/her personal likes, things, or personal information.This power could be used to round up a class about different sports.
Hope it helps you. |
31 Mar 2012
Thank you all for your help.Each of you helped in a way.Love you |
31 Mar 2012