Hi Dear Pinar and Friends
Firstly sorry for engaged the message board but I wanna say something. I don�t know what happens exactly but as much as I understand there is something wrong or there is a misunderstanding between members because In my opinion instead of accusing each other or insulting is not a nice behavior. The main aim of this wonderful site is so pure..just sharing and helping each other. it doesn�t matter how much we know English. the most importatn thing is improving ourselves by the help of new ideas,opinion and contributions but of course without STEALING,it�s not ethical. No one accepts it. Anyway...
PINAR please don�t quit because sharing good works with you is very nice...PLEASE :)
THANKS ALL MY COLLEAGUES for their good work, and good will.
kisses and hugs...BYE
Pinarcim bu arada g�zel yorumlarin i�in tesekk�r ederim. Ben 6. siniflara girmiyorum bir dil kursunda �alisiyorum bu y�zden her konu ve her seviyeden birseyler hazirliyorum. ama yeni m�fredattin uygulamasi zor bi yapisi oldugunu arkadasslardan sik sik duyuyorum...kendine ii bak. HOS�AKAL