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Ask for help > JUSTICE TOPIC
Greek Professor
Hello dear friends...
Hope your Easter was good...Ours is this week...anyway...I need you help again...My niece is doing a talk on Justice...we have done some searching but haven �t found anything interesting...Does anyone know anything more....on the topic JUSTICE...
Thanks in advance...
I am grateful... |
11 Apr 2012
First of all we don �t know what you �ve got so far. Then, saying you want something on justice is almost saying nothing... as it �s a very general term: criminal justice? judicial system in some country? a philosophical notion of justice?
Anyways, I found some reading ws on justice here on the site, maybe you �ll get some ideas:
Sophia |
11 Apr 2012
Vivian Bacchin
You might find something interesting at This is a website with essays on many different topics written by all sorts of people who hold, sometimes, opposing views.
I �m sure they �ll have something on justice.
Good luck,
Vivian |
11 Apr 2012
Greek Professor
Thanks alot...well my niece just told me general...thanks again...i am sure i will find soething useful... |
11 Apr 2012
Hi there dear Effie, Hope you �re well. Don �t know if it �s the kind of thing you �re looking for, but the first thing that came to my mind when I read your message was Martin Luther King and his message of racial justice. Thanks to his great efforts things have changed a lot, though your niece may also want to mention how this is still racial injustice and injustice against other "minority" groups or traditionally subservient groups like women, gays etc.
Well, not sure if this will help you or not, but hope it does. Have a great day. Julia
11 Apr 2012