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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Red Little Riding Hood
Red Little Riding Hood
Red Little Riding Hood
Does anyone have an idea about how I can use �Red Little Riding Hood � in my speaking class?
20 Apr 2012
I once used some stuff on the British Concil website about LRRH...there are loads of things about fairy tales on there. Good luck... |
20 Apr 2012
Olindalima ( F )
May be you find this useful, though they are not exactly speaking activities. I have a video and an e-book; also, there is an easy printable you can download. Hope it helps.
Have a nice day
Linda |
20 Apr 2012
Years ago I watched "Hoodwinked".In this movie,they tell Red Little Riding Hood in a completely different way. Watching parts from this movie can let your students have a new view for this classic story. Then,they �ll share their feelings.
20 Apr 2012
I am going to have a look at Hoodwinked :)
20 Apr 2012
it �s possible to judge the Wolf for eating RRH and her Granny. you can give your students different roles: somebody will be a judge, somebody - an advocate, somebody - a prosecutor, the victims will be RRH and the Granny, hunters can be witnesses, etc. students should prepare their speeches and be ready to discuss the case. finally, they return a verdict. it can be a good fun!
20 Apr 2012
ohh a brillant idea! exactly what i wanted. thanks flower280583
20 Apr 2012
i �m happy. by the way, if you have worked with inside out intermediate (old eddition), there �s an excellent rap about RRH in the workbook. you can use it as well. here it is:
Just on the edge
of a deep, dark wood
lived a girl called
Little Red Riding Hood.
Her grandmother lived
not far away,
so Red went to pay her
a visit one day�
And the Big Bad Wolf,
who knew her plan
he turned his nose
and ran and ran.
He ran till he came
to her grandmother�s door.
Then he locked her up
with a great big roar.
He took her place
in her nice warm bed,
and he waited there
for Little Miss Red.
if you don �t have it & you �re interested in it, you can write your e-mail address, i can share with a track to it
20 Apr 2012