To add:
What does SMS mean? (short message service)
What is an android? (operating system for computer devices)
What is the short word for Internet (net)
Before digital cameras, how did people look at photos and and where did they keep their photos? (film /photographs - photo albums)
In which decade did the camera phone become extremely popular? (2000 �s)
Name the most popular internet search engine (Google)
What is the name of the famous man who co-founded Microsoft (Bill Gates)
In regards to music, describe what you would need to listen to a record, a cassette tape, a CD and a download (record player/turntable - cassette/tape player - CD player - MP3 player/iPod/PC)
In regards to movies, describe what you would need to watch a Super8 film, a video, a DVD, a downloaded movie (projector, VCR/video player, DVD player, PC)
What would your life be like with out the internet / a PC / a mobile phone / digital TV? (unbearable / impossible / unimaginable - lol)