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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > I need help with activities for an immersion course
I need help with activities for an immersion course
Spanglish girl
I need help with activities for an immersion course
Hi there!!
It �s been a long time since I last posted on the forum. As most of us here, I love teching English and I love exploring new methods and activities, it keeps me motivated.
This time, I �m organizing an immersion course in English and I �m preparing the activities. The course is aimed for pre-intermediate to advanced students.
I wanted to ask you to help me with ideas, it �s the first time I do something like this and I want it to be a success!
Any suggestions???
Thanks in advance.
30 Apr 2012
I �ve never taught an immersion course myself so no practical advice from me personally:( But as a lifetime learner and as a former interpreter, I can assure you immersion into an English-speaking environment will be extremely beneficial for your ss. It would be great if you could have a native teacher as well.
30 Apr 2012
Spanglish girl
Thanks for your reply!
The articles are very interesting, the tips are useful. I also think it �s a great opportunity for students to learn English in a completely different way.
I �ll consider the idea of having a native teacher, although there are not many visitors in my town :( |
30 Apr 2012
Can you ask for a volunteer from Peace Corps? Do you know if they are allowed in your country? Actually, I think that would be the best option, I mean to have a Peace Corps volunteer assist you with your immersion course. Last year we had a summer drama camp for about 12 days for our middle school ss and we had 4 American volunteers and each group of ss was assigned 1 volunteer to work with. It was extremely beneficial for them. Sophia
1 May 2012