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Phonics lesson ideas

Phonics lesson ideas
Hi there, Please I need your help I am going to teach phonics (all and aw sound) and I would be grateful if you could share some techniques, games or teaching ideas. Thanks in advance :)
16 May 2012

The two lls are the trunks of two trees. The a is an apple. It�s spring. Aplles fall. When an apple falls, it�s painful. It says /ɔː/ So, when you see an apple under a tree, don�t forget: it�s /ɔːl/ That �s all for tonight... It �s been a long day... Greetings from Greece,
16 May 2012

@papadeli Oops! Apples fall in Autumn / Fall don �t they?
English expressions of pain may not match yours in pronunciation.
Ow! (rhymes with cow) Ouch! etc.
Aww! (with the right intonation) sounds closer to what we say when we see a cute animal.
But if if it helps your students remember- Go for it! |
16 May 2012

In Greece we say /ɔː/ not only when we are in pain, but when sth is unexpected, not pleasing, sudden. I �m sure native speakers do the same. /ɔː/ What you would use it for ? When do you say it? Where do you heaar it? And yes!! Apples fall in autumn in Greece, too. Haha! It was late when I wrote it... You see. it �s spring now, and I was between sleeping and writing. Dreaming with open eyes. Haha! Great remark! |
17 May 2012

dear Apodo, it doesn �t have to be THAT literal! apples do fall in Autumn / Fall but what if it fell by accident? it �s not a rottten apple, it �s red! and I think the pain expression is right since we don �t really say ouch! or youch! when we fall or when we have an accident... I think its a great idea and thanks for it papadeli!
18 May 2012