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teacher from brazil
teacher from brazil
Hi I left a message here asking for penpals for my students and someone from Brazil sent me a private message which i deleted by mistake. If you are reading this, my answer is yes, I�d love to =) I apology for sending this message here but I don�t know how to contact this teacher.I hope she is reading it. I still need penpals for my younger students aged 9 to 13.
22 May 2012
[email protected]
Hey There! I �m not the one who you are looking for, but I �m really interested on this project. My students are between 11 and 12 years old!
Hope we can work together! Thanks a million! Stella |
22 May 2012
It was me . Thanks for contact . PM you my e-mail.I have already two partners but since our school is a big one , I need more people interested to fullfill all classes .Everyone who is interested PM me . There are many classes available . Children aged range form 8 to 16. I �m aware that in some countries school year is almost finishing , but we can maitain contact for the beginning of your next school year . In Brazil , school year starts in February and ends in December . Lili
22 May 2012