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A farewell present
A farewell present
Hello friends, a very good colleague of mine is leaving this term and is starting teaching at different school. I was just wondering what kind of a present should I give her. Can you give me any original ideas? Unfortunately I dont have many photos of her. Thanks a lot. |
29 May 2012
Greek Professor
Hi, well you can take a few photos and makes a collage with her students and teachers just a thought... or get students to write something to her and put everything in a coloured evelope and signed by everyone and give it to her.
29 May 2012
You had posted this request before. Some of us gave you ideas but you didn �t give any feedback, so what �s the point anyway? Sophia |
29 May 2012
No idea was sufficient so Im trying again. Besides I dont think there were many of you here at the weekend. |
29 May 2012
I agree with Sof�a. Greetings from Spain, Eva |
29 May 2012
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Ivush
A few ideas have already been given, sorry, I have no more, it �s difficult; when you know the person, you know what she is fond of, it turns things easier.
I fully understand your second post - you are trying to get some fantastic idea, and I do appreciate it. It means your colleague means a lot for you.
Hope you discover something really BEAUTIFUL. Hugs
Linda |
29 May 2012
@Ivus: thanks for telling. Sophia |
29 May 2012
I think the photo album carmenuca the first time you asked, is a great idea. I surely would like to get something like that when I leave!
29 May 2012
I once received a little book made up of inspirational quotes and sayings. I still use it to this day. The person cut up worksheets with expressions, made a cover with a pretty bow and put rings to hold the booklet together. There are about 60 pages of different quotes. The booklet is about 3 inches by 3 inches. I can see that it took some time to put it together but it was greatly appreciated.
29 May 2012