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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Can īt download any worksheets....
Can īt download any worksheets....

Can īt download any worksheets....
but eslprintables won īt let me upload worksheets....
How am I supposed to contribute when the website won īt let me. I really like the worksheets I see here and would like to use them while also contributing my own worksheets too. |
30 May 2012

I īm having problems uploading files too! I īm still waiting for an answer but nothing seems to work! thought there was something wrong with my notebook but it seems I īm not the only one! |
30 May 2012

I can download but not able to upload my worksheets.Please help.
30 May 2012

It happens sometimes, just keep trying and you īll certainly succeed.
30 May 2012

I am facing the same problem. I have many power points , but I cannot upload any of them. |
31 May 2012

It īs so nice to have fresh faces interested in joining.
Double-check your documents are saved as .doc, not docx, and in the case of powerpoint that they are saved as an older version of powerpoint if you have a new operating system (can do through save as).
Also check the properties to check if they are under the size limit.
If both these things are okay you WILL be able to upload them, only sometimes the system gets overloaded and people can īt upload. So just keep trying till you can.
Good luck and welcome. Julia
31 May 2012