It reminds of a joke: (not to enter the competition, of course)
This guy was feeling miserable because Wendy, his girlfriend, had left him.
His doctor advised him to take a break, go on holiday and have some fun, so he decides to travel to Jamaica.
In Jamaica he �s trying to have fun and he goes to a bar, but he �s constantly thinking about Wendy. He loved her so much that he had gotten her named tattooed on his penis.
So, he �s at the bar drinking and suddenly he needs to go to the restoom. While he �s relieving himself he incidentally notices the name "Wendy" tattooed on the penis of a stranger who �s standing right next to him. He was dumbstruck! When he finally pulled himself together, he found the courage to ask the stranger about Wendy.
"Wendy?! Who �s that?", the stranger said.
"The girl who �s name you got tattooed on your penis," he explained.
"Ooh! I see... It �s not Wendy that I �ve got tattooed! It �s Welcome to Jamaica and have a nice day!"