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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Literature - don´t we need a place to post liteature tasks?
Literature - don´t we need a place to post liteature tasks?
Literature - don´t we need a place to post liteature tasks?
I took alien boy�s suggestion and I�m posting my notice once again. I really would like those who deal with literature and/or projects to have a [lace to post their worksheets or any other material they think is relevant.
So, here is what I wrote yesterday and posted on a diffenet forum:
I teach ESL in high school. We teach several things in English: language, writing reading comprehension and literature (short stories and poetry). I would like to find a place on this EXTRAORDINARY site where I can post tasks , discuss short stories and poetry and even find tests and quizzes. Don�t you agree that this will enrich us as well as other material we teach in class? Who should we ask to add literature "button"?
In high chool especially we teach literature, project work, reading comprehension, essay writing and grammar. So EVERYTHING is important for us when we get to our final exam at the end of the 12th grade.
I�ll be happy to see LITERATURE and PROJECTS added.
9 Jan 2009
Hi anatavner. That�s a good idea.
For those who are interested in literature, here are a good site to get some classics:
I really don�t remember whether I have already posted it or not |
9 Jan 2009