Hello storyteller,Being a �TZR � I only had a short experience this year in premiere and I must say it wasn �t easy at all because we didn �t know what the exam would consist in... Moreover the only book at our disposal seemed rather inappropriate for our students. Now we know that the exam will be an oral presentation of files containing 3 texts and any document the student might find on the themes tackled in the texts.
Last year we studied a short story by Conan Doyle (The Five Orange Pips) but if I were to have teach LELE again next year I wouldn �t choose such a long text, even though it was quite interesting.
What I would do first (in premiere as in terminale) would be to give them all the �material � to study a literary text > this includes the vocabulary, the figures of speech, and the methodology, maybe a timeline with the main literary movements. And then it �s up to you to choose the texts you �d like them to study.
I would suggest you start with a text taken from a detective story, as it �s the kind of literature that students are familiar with, and it brings along a lot of vocabulary (plot, twists and turns etc.).
For the themes and the activities, you should have a look here
but I �m pretty sure you already have!
here �s another link that may be useful:
Good luck, personally, I just hope I won �t have any terminales next year!!!