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Grammar and Linguistics > can ´t vs mustn ´t for prohibition
can ´t vs mustn ´t for prohibition
can ´t vs mustn ´t for prohibition
Dear All !
I ´m in doubt.
What is the difference between can ´t and mustn ´t for prohibition?
Thanks a lot in advance!
24 Jun 2012
You use "Can ´t" when it is not possible to do it; Often use colloquially, and sometimes it ´s a question of ability. For instance, I can ´t run that far. You use "Mustn ´t" when it ´s an imperative not to do it (an order). For instance, you mustn ´t text while driving otherwise you will get a ticket. |
24 Jun 2012
Hi Nan! When I was at the teacher trainning college my friends and I used a rather useful way of remembering: can ´t we associated with "inside"= It ´s you who decide, you are the judge, while musn ´t we associated with "outside"=somebody else decides for you, somebody else is the judge. I hope this explanation works for you too. Love, Naty
24 Jun 2012
can ´t = you are unable to do it
mustn ´t = you are not allowed to (or shouldn ´t) do it |
25 Jun 2012
Good answers so far, but I need to add something. We also use "you can ´t" when referring to things that are illegal, or otherwise against the rules. You can ´t smoke in restaurants in most of the US. The sign says that you can ´t park here. You can ´t wear flip-flops to school. Bruce |
25 Jun 2012
Can ´t = negative when must is used in the sense of obligation / prohibition.
You must do your homework on time. / You can ´t turn in your homework incomplete.
Mustn ´t = negative when must is used in the sense of probability.
Steve must be home now. / Steve mustn ´t be at his office; I heard he ´s sick in bed.
Have a nice day!
Zailda Coirano |
25 Jun 2012
hi.. according to me can ´t is used to show an inability, e.g: ´i can ´t do this work �. while mustn ´t is used to show prohibition, e.g: you mustn ´t be late again!
11 Jul 2012