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Costa Rica on red alert...
Dianna Madrigal
Costa Rica on red alert...
Hi friends! I don�t know if this is allowed in this forum, but I want to tell you that yesterday we had a BIG 6.2 EARTHQUAKE here in Costa Rica. The country in which I live is on red alert... Fortunately, it didn�t happen anything to me or my family, but we have death persons and huge material losses. Please take this situation into account in your prayers, there is a lot of pain and suffering nation wide... Thank you so much!
10 Jan 2009
Im Lety
I�m really sorry to hear that Dianna...I live just next to the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate...Falla de San Andres...�Quiza la conoscas, es conocida mundialmente�...It goes from M�xico to Oregon U.S.A and we have many earthquakes each year...We are wating the big one but, when? nobody knows...It�s good that you and your family are well...Take care and be very know this never ends...
Just in case you want to know about it...Greetings
10 Jan 2009
Hi Dianna; I�m so sorry to hear about this! I know how that is like. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to avoid, or prevent earthquakes. I�m happy to hear that you and your family are Ok. I will pray for the people in your beautiful country, and i�m sure that pretty soon you guys will be back on your feet.
Good things can come from bad things, so for sure you will be able to experience a great national unity, and a deep love for all your fellow countrymen.
GzaGza |
10 Jan 2009
Dianna Madrigal
Thanks ImLety and gzagza!!! I really appreciate your comments!!!
10 Jan 2009
alien boy
I hope everything is ok for everyone there. People in Japan & China can certainly empathise with you, your loved ones & the people of Costa Rica. I wish you all safety, health, security, peace & love. Best wishes, ab
10 Jan 2009
Dianna Madrigal
Thank you so much alien boy, you really know what I am talking about. Peace and love 2 u 2!
10 Jan 2009
Heavens, what a horrible thing... I am glad you and yours are alright. Natural disasters can be so devastating. Take care Dianna.
10 Jan 2009