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Ask for help > silly tasks for teen students?
silly tasks for teen students?
silly tasks for teen students?
Hello, Could you please tell me the word for silly tasks used in games. They are usually given while playing board games etc. If the student doesn �t know the answer to a question (grammar, vocab etc), s/he must do something silly/ a bit embarassing (put on yellow clothes and sing nursery rhyme "I am little teapot".
Do you happen to know a website with a list of such silly tasks (not too embarrasing) for teens?
1 Jul 2012
Hi Nika:)
They are called forfeits and you could do the search "forfeits ideas for teens"Here �s what I �ve found: Put lipstick on the person to your right (blindfolded) Give the person to your left a donkey ride Wear a wig for the rest of the game Kiss a pillow like its your most fanciable person Act like a monkey for 20 seconds
Sit with an ice cube down your t-shirt
Get a moustache drawn on you Do a belly dance Name seven dwarfs Name five parts of the body spelt with only 3 letters. Shake hands with everyone
1 Jul 2012
great ideas Sophia . Thanks.
2 Jul 2012
Thank you very much Sophia!!!
3 Jul 2012
Thank you for your tips, I have read several websites and collected these forfeits and dares:
Use a toilet roll to bandage one of your arms4. Wearing a blindfold, identify two people by just touching their faces Stand on one leg for a minute Mime changing a baby�s nappy for others to guess what you are doing Mime washing an elephant for others to guess what you are doing Lay an egg Hug a person wearing glasses Make the sound of 5 farmyard animalsDo an impression of a sumo wrestler Pat your head with one hand, while you rub your tummy with the other for 30 secondsYou are shipwrecked on an island inhabited by cannibals � explain to the chief why you shouldn�t be eaten Pretend to be a motorcyclist in the TT using a dining chair as your machine � make all the right noises and moves! Give everyone in the room who has blue eyes a hug Sing/dance like (someone famous) � choose from Michael Jackson, Madonna, Mick Jagger� Pretend the person on your left is a police officer � now explain
why you are wandering along the high street at 3pm in your pyjamas Pretend you are an Italian waiter � run through all the varieties
of pizza available on your menu � there has to be an accent Get a match box/pencil-case and push it along the floor at least three feet, using only your nose You are playing the part of a fairy in a ballet � let�s see you move for at least 20 seconds You are truly, madly, passionately in love with the person on
your right � go down on one knee and propose � and tell them why they
should accept your proposal You�ve just seen someone scratch your car with their supermarket
trolley � tackle them, tell them what you think � it�s their fault�Tell a ghost story. Walk across the room on your knees.Give a 1-minute talk about elephants. Say five times rapidly: �Three big blobs of a black bug�s blood.� Say five times rapidly: �Truly rural.� Holding one foot with your hand, hop around the room. Crawl under the table on all fours and bark like a dog. Tell how to make a pie without talking. Place a basketball in the middle of the floor. Try to sit on it, while writing your name legibly on a card with a pencil. Place 3 strong straight backed chairs side by side. Lie with your
head on the first chair and your feet on the third, with folded arms
and stiff body. Have someone remove the middle chair. Hold your position
for 10 seconds. For 2 players at a time: Both are blindfolded and seated on the
floor with a large towel or napkin pinned around the neck like a bib.
Each is then given a bowl of popcorn and a spoon and told to feed the
other player the entire contents of the bowl. For a messier (and
funnier) game, use porridge For 2 players at a time: Both are blindfolded and seated on the
floor with a large towel or napkin pinned around the neck like a bib.
Each is then given a banana and told to feed the
other player bananas. Pretend to be a firework/space rocket Pretend to be a robot Pretend to play the trumpet, piano, guitarWalk round circle backwards like a monster Walk round the circle on tip toes like a fairy Pick a friend to do a dance with Bounce a ball 10 times like a famous sportsman Count as far as you can with a single breath. Recite the alphabet backwards. Say four very complimentary things about yourself. Sing the verse of a song. Imitate a donkey. Nurse a pillow and sing a lullaby to it. Try to "sell" your left shoe to someone, holding it in your hands. Act the entry of a burglar into your house. Spell your (full) name backwards. Yawn until you make another one yawn. "The sixth sick sheik �s sixth sheep �s sick" at 3.5 words per second six times without any mistakes. Pretend to be an animal (and the others guess which)
Recite a limerick
Name 5 things you would find in a kitchen
Hold your breath for 15 seconds
Give a 1 minute talk on (fairies) Sing a nursery rhyme
Hop around the circle
Answer yes to any question the others ask. Close your eyes and name 6 people at the party.
Rub your tummy and pat your head.
Say the names of 5 countries
and inhabitants Name 5 things you would find in the bathroom Skip backwards round the circle
- Tell a joke in the style of the cookie monster/Simpsons
- Explain gravity standing on your head
- Tell someone in the room how much you love them for one minute
- Inhale the helium from a balloon and sing the first line of a song
- Put ice cubes under your armpits for 5 minutes
eat three crackers without having a drink and then whistle a song, which others have to recognize
- Wear a false moustache and wig for the rest of the game
- Wear a silly hat for the rest of the game
- Sing a song,
Eat a teaspoon of Mustard
Have your belly button filled with water
Pretend to be a dying fly
Do a belly dance
Bark like a dog
Do a headstand
Pretend to be spiderman - Pretend to by a dying swan
Tell a joke
Eat a raw mushroom apple bobbing in 10 seconds! - Use building blocks to make as high a tower as possible in one minute.
- Solve a toddler �s jigsaw puzzle (less than 10 pieces).
- Make a noise like a farm animal.
3 Jul 2012