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ask for help and ideas
Dear colleagues,I often have a mixed class.i.e students who have already studied English, and others who have never studied English.So if I try to go step by step with these students , those good students say we already know this or that.So how could I deal with them? However,some of them may have the will to learn English and don �t cause me many problems. N.B:I can �t give them extra hours since their schedule is full
24 Aug 2012
How about creating a group here and selecting tasks for each student helping him/her cope with/practice/develop the areas in which they have problems?
Cooperative learning could also help when strong students help weaker ones. There are lots of videos on it (that�s if you never heard of it) Sophia
25 Aug 2012
Sophia, thx for your suggestions |
25 Aug 2012
hi, please kindly give me some ideas for my new term bulletin boards this is my first time as a kindergarten teacher so really confused. thanks |
25 Aug 2012