Using songs in the classroom
As my sessions are going to be 2 1/2 hours each I am going to have clear sections within that time. One part is going to be listening with some exercises etc including songs each week. Can anyone advise me on which bands or
music groups would be good to look into for pensioners? I dont think
they would like my taste in music hehe....(they really wouldnt!!!)
I am starting to search around here and elsewhere for group names so I can listen myself and see if they are suitable,
So far I think
Alanis morissete because her lyrics are interesting
Anne Murray
John Denver
Beatles (maybe but they are a bit repetitive)
KT Tunstall
Amy McDonald (although the Irish accent might be tough but I love her songs)
Simon and Garfunkle
Elton John
but here is where I am lost... and need more suggestions....
So if you know any oldies but goodies songs and the bands... :-) Or any bands not so old but with good "clean" interesting lyrics.
12 Jan 2009
Ah................ aren�t they the:
Frank Sinatra Mel Torme Barbra Streisand Tony Bennet Ella Fitzgerald Louis Armstrong (a wonderful world) Sammy Davis Jr. Judy Garland
Try some of the big band songs - Gerschwin/Ellington songs.
Music usually identifies a generation - almost paints a background to their lives. You should also look into Beatles- for sure. Hugs L
12 Jan 2009
Wonderful!!!! Considered them added! THANKS!!!!sending a hug back your way :-)
edit: would it be to clich�d to do songs by ABBA.... I mean I am in Sweden.... hmmmmm
12 Jan 2009
My daughter once used Christina Aguillera "Beautiful" in an English course that went over pretty good. There are also a couple PInk Floyd worksheets on the site--I haven�t tried them though.
You might look at Pink too--some of her lyrics have surprised me and are pretty usable (including songs that didn�t get on the radio).
Douglas |
12 Jan 2009
Abba is fine. Just write what ages they are. Hugs L
12 Jan 2009
I just caught you were looking for pensioneers--oops. You may be surprised though, many older folks like to "keep up" with the newer generations (it helps them be cool with their grand kids?). |
12 Jan 2009
Don�t forget:
The Carpenters Neil Diamond Rod Steward Celine Dion
Gosh there are sooo many....
12 Jan 2009
They are pensioners indeed.... thanks for the cool suggestions you all have jogged my memory for these singers!!!!! They all have great songs with interesting lyrics, which for me is just as important as the listening parts as I want to make activities to go with the songs, not just a fill in the blanks. This way I can incorporate a grammar point as well :-)
12 Jan 2009
There are several songs you can use. I work with songs all the time. They love karaoke, I also have some physical-response games using songs.
But it wil depend on your student�s ages.
What are your students age again? |
12 Jan 2009
60 ish :-) Signing off for tonight as I am cooking dinner and I promised my sweet Mr Swedish I would not be hovering on the laptop all night tonight :-)
See you all tomorrow :-)
12 Jan 2009
Hi Cheezels,
I would also suggest
The Eagles
The Doors
The Scorpions
Rod Stewart
Don McLean (Vincent is especially nice)
Stevie Wonder
Boney M
Deep Purple
Also try the following links for some nice ideas on music lessons
12 Jan 2009