Before you go clicking to stop hunger, you might want to reflect upon this article about the HungerSite (see below). The writer suggests that far from alleviating hunger, initiatives such as the HungerSite can actually undermine local food production and promote dependence on imported food. She also notes that the causes of hunger are rarely inadequate food, but rather corruption, inadequate distribution systems and hoarding. I �ve had an association with the euphemistically named "international development" sector for the last seven years, and there is much in the article that reflects my own experience.
The HungerSite is intended to promote maximum feel-good for people out in cyberspace (ie. in rich countries), and maximum market share for multinationals. But what of its supposed beneficiaries in newly/un-industrialised countries?? I �m worried that at best they don �t benefit and at worst they �re further oppressed.
I have decided against clicking on the HungerSite and instead have chosen to distribute this email to anyone who sends me the web address (I �ve now had it numerous times!!).
For those of us with not much time and/or family commitments which mean we can �t get involved in full-on every-day campaign or solidarity work, there are still plenty of small things that we can do on a daily or irregular can �t get involved in full-on every-day campaign or solidarity work, there are still plenty of small things that we can do on a daily or irregular basis - an hour here or there packing boxes for East Timor, a couple of phone calls on a campaign phone tree, a bit of typing or enveloping for a local environment group, a letter to the local paper or helping a refugee family down the street. If you �re looking to help out and feel good, I commend these sorts of activities over the HungerSite any day!
At the very least, if you want to do good for people who are hungry, then leave the HungerSite alone ...
(not wwritten by me but just a smallsample of what I found)