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Peace within understanding
Peace within understanding
Hi hello Peace be with you Teachers from around Europe are invited to participate in a project that will encourage students to learn the English language and portray the importance. Motivation, inspiration and concentration are some of the most prominently recorded benefits that a young student taking at education has been observed to have gained. For a young person�s personal growth and development an education in art is something that is considered to be very important as changing the way one looks at the world. Children�s art education is something that has diminished over the past ten years and really should be much more encouraged for the sake of the child�s creative growth. Art is a place where people can give vent to all their expressions This year i am trying to organize an art project with schools from around Europe. The topic is peace within understanding ,the project would involve schools painting designing a poster of exsprestion.They would write some thing about it or a poem.Each school that participated would in turn receive the collection of posters to have an exhibition with in there school to raise funds for the school or a charity of there choosing. Do you think that any of your students would be interested?. I have been working on this web site to help teachers and students obtain a clearer understanding of what we might archive.There have be some very positive responses from countries like,Italy Croatia,Romania,Israel ,Slovenia,Spain and France so far. We would welcome as many participants as possible,so please consider participating and may be winning a small money prize along with a certificate of participation. The time taken to produce a mural can be divided over a period of time and in lunch times too.You could use this project as a reward or incentive builder. Please take a look and tell me your thoughts. Teacher nick |
4 Sep 2012
Peace be with every one. Thank you. Great thought. I just did an exhibition on Peace in August. I do agree with you ,we the teachers can work to produce a peaceful child to grow as a peaceful human being to take care of their world. As an adult every one should give peace through their service. This poster was created by class 3 children
5 Sep 2012