Dear colleagues from ESLprintables,
First of all, I`d like to say I miss
you all very much from this wonderful community, my friends. But I`ll be back
soon. I�ve been very busy by trying to finish my graduation monograph and I`m
so anxious about this. My work mainly focusing on the use of music in teaching
English and how teachers can explore this powerful tool in order to contribute
to the development of their students� four skills on English language, beyond
other issues, like social and cultural aspects.
I would like to count on you for helping
me in this research. You�re all a special part of my job and my experience as a
teacher. You know� Since I`ve became a member here, I �ve been learning a lot from
you in terms of teaching experience and I`ve been also learning mainly about how we
can grow with each other through the spirit of collaboration and our passion
for teaching.
I sincerely can say that I`m a lucky person for having this
valuable opportunity here. Thank you so much for all your dedication with so many wonderful and useful
contributions that always make my life as a teacher easier and more practical. I�m mainly grateful for all your kind and constructive
comments about my worksheets and my job here.
Since you became a part of my English
teaching history, I would be very glad if you could contribute with my monograph
research on music in teaching English, by writing a short text about your
experience by using some of my song worksheets in class. You can send to me by my private messenger box. Use the following questions
to guide you:
1) Why did you download my song
worksheets? In which aspects did my activities based on song call your
2) How have you felt when you use one
of my song worksheets in class? Tell briefly about this experience. Do you
think these activities are useful with your students? Yes? No? Why?
3) How have your students felt doing
these activities based on songs? Was there motivation? Participation? Was there
any students� improvement in terms of their four skills (speaking; listening;
reading and writing) and acquisition of culture?
4) What are your beliefs about the use of songs in teaching English?
5) After using my song worksheets, did
your beliefs about the use of song on teaching English change? If yes, why?
*Please, identify yourself using
your first name or your nickname that you use on esl printables site. What is
the name of your country? What grade level (s) do you teach? If possible, let me know if I can use your
profile�s picture on site eslprintables, for publishing with your comment, ok?
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
Huge Hug,