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Message board > stolen/copyrighted materials.
stolen/copyrighted materials.
stolen/copyrighted materials.
Can these people�s �work� then not be posted?
Im just wondering, as for me it takes a day for my uploaded material to become posted (I am new, have only posted one so far, it will be two tomorrow!!) so I assumed it took a day because someone was checking it to make sure it has not been taken from somewhere else.
14 Jan 2009
No, nobody checks the worksheets - well, we have people on the forum that look out for copies and stuff - but basically there are no moderators that red flag things and quarantine them until later.
The delay is due mainly to the fact that the site collects the worksheets uploaded throughout the day and then uploads them at midnight (Spanish time or GMT +1) that day, replacing the old ones from the previous day...
14 Jan 2009