It�s been just 5 days since I�ve joined this site, but I feel so proud to be a part of this global community of teachers around the world.
This is actually one of the best sites about teaching that there is, and I think the only one where teachers can exchange their wks, one dedicates to us, I�ve to congratulate Victor for this great idea.
I�ve spent hours admiring all the great works that you all make and upload and I have to say Bravo!!!
I�m slowly becoming an addict to this site and you can see that it�s over midnight here in Mexico and I�m still hook up!! Now my question is How do you make some of the worsheets I�ve seen with colors and images, do you do it in Publisher and then copy and paste on Word?
I would like an answer because I want to improve the quality of my wk and any suggestion would be appreciate it.
thank again and have a great weekend!
See you