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Message board > colourful wss
colourful wss
colourful wss
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - upload your wss with less background colour. It takes me tons of time to get rid of it. When I try to print in grey scale it is often hard to read the words because the fill-in colours are too dark. (I also started to add colour to my wss to make them more attractive to members - if anyone want one with the added "decoration", let me know.
Also the heavy, colourful borders take up space. A lot of times I can change a ws from 2 pages to 1 by getting rid of borders and making the pictures smaller.
Also, please do not put your school name, logo or name, class, teacher - box because not all of us need them.
And last but not least, this is also for frenchfrog - please don�t upload materials with mother tongue translations or intructions unles you clearly mention the fact in your description of the ws.
I hope you don�t think I sound too demanding.
And for all the wonderful work you do and
the support you give. I am so lucky to
be a part of this incredible family.
Big hugs to all. oxoxoxoxoxo |
17 Jan 2009
I agree with you. Worksheets with too much colour are difficult to adapt and copy, sometimes I don�t download them because of that. |
17 Jan 2009
If you don�t like the colours, don�t download it, just choose something without colours. I usually take off the background colours too but I think people put them to get attention. If you check the most downloaded worksheets, you can see that they are always the most colourful. Every time I upload a grammar worksheet without colours, it isn�t much downloaded. I have made a funny experience. I sent a grammer worksheet without colours and it was taken 5 times. I deleated it and send it again with colours and it was downloaded something like 90 times. As there are so many worksheets, people�s attention is attracted to the most beautiful. It isn�t very difficult to " get rid" of the colours.
Greetings |
17 Jan 2009
This is what I said about colouring pages,
I understand the kindergarten teachers wanting an odd colouring page but all you need to do is google and ask for the topic you need and there are tons. It�s a easy as looking for clipart for the message board and everyone seems to manage that quite easily.
In response to s.lefevre - we are preparing pages for all. So maybe they should all be minimal and then you can decide if you want to download one and add all the colours and borders etc. you want to your heart�s content.
Why do those who don�t want to decoration have to work hard? I am not alone in my opinion, the problem is that instead of saying their 2 cents worth here, they send me personal messages.
17 Jan 2009