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Grammar and Linguistics > Help with two multiple questions!
Help with two multiple questions!
It seems to be a matter of what the questions want to test (which gramatical phenomenon). I agree that there �s a difference in meaning if you use each anwer in the first sentence, but if you are testing past tenses, so the answer should be "had to". As for the second one, since the answers are both the same, the only difference I can think of is that "used to" is used to emphasise the fact that the action does not take place any longer. This doesn �t change the fact that both answers are correct, though. Feel free to correct me if you think I �m wrong. |
3 Oct 2012
Quite right, Bruce.
Just to add, as this is a test, the correct answer would be" had to" otherwise a previous sentence would be given so as to make it clear that the action refers to the present.
3 Oct 2012
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