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ESL forum > Message board > I feel sad and irritated...    

I feel sad and irritated...


I feel sad and irritated...

� ��

Yesterday I tried to upload my PowerPoint "Endangered Animals" , but I failed. I thought sth. was wrong with the site and Idecided to try again today.

�Can you just imagine how shocked I was today to find my PowerPoint on another teacher�s page? I know it�s just a mistake. And I�ve already sent him/her a message asking to delete my PowerPoint. But 2 people have already downloaded my ppt. So please I have to ask you, if you like it, do not download it now.

�I wrote this message in the morning, moreover I placed my comment on this teacher�s page asking to delete this PowerPoint, because it�s mine ( his/her name�s moorebid) �Still six people downloaded my PowerPoint from him. �It�s not fair my dear colleagues ... I feel sad and irritated�Unhappy

17 Jan 2009      


I didn�t understand how it was possible for this user to obtain your powerpoint if you didn�t manage to upload it. So I downloaded it and I�ve seen that there is an error: the document doesn�t match the preview image. It is not your powerpoint. It is a different one.
I�ll ask him to remove it and send it again, to correct the error., and you can also send yours.

17 Jan 2009     

United Kingdom

Hi Vesnushka
I had a look at the powerpoint on Moorebid�s page and it does look like there was a problem during uploading as their title and instructions don�t match the slides (which were yours).  So it looks like both of you have lost out with this mistake.  This teacher may not have seen your message yet which is why it hasn�t been uploaded - perhaps they don�t work at the weekend.  Anyway the best thing would be to contact Victor as it must have been an uploading problem.  Moorebid will probably be as equally unhappy when they find out that their powerpoint hasn�t uploaded correctly either. 
Have a good weekend

17 Jan 2009     


�Hello, Victor! Thanks for the great site. I enjoy it very much. Smile

�I�ll try to upload my PowerPoint one more time. �Hope moorebid will delete it when he sees my message. The thing is that for 2 days I�ve been having problems uploding my printables and powerpoints.�Unhappy


17 Jan 2009