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I am writing a recommendation letter for a student and I can �t find the right words for "delegado de turma" and "diretor de turma".
Can anyone help me?
For non-Portuguese, "delegado de turma" is a student who represents the class in student assemblies, for example, and helps the class �s teachers with certain tasks like collecting forms, handing out documents, etc.
"Diretor de turma" is the teacher in charge of a class who is the liaison between teachers and parents. The diretor de turma is in charge of the class �s teacher meetings, etc.
Are there English counterparts for these roles?
26 Oct 2012
Maybe "class monitor" for a student and for a teacher - "class master" or "supervising instructor ", one American friend of mine calls the teacher in charge (a woman) "class mistress".
That �s all that came into my head.
Kate |
26 Oct 2012
I �ve already seen "form teacher" and "form student" in books. |
26 Oct 2012
For the student, I would probably say class representative for the first and student or class assistant for the second. Other students may say "teacher �s pet."
For the teacher, you figured out the term yourself: teacher liaison. I teach adults, so I don �t have to worry about that, but it �s my understanding that most children �s teachers contact parents directly.
I �ve never heard of "class master" or "class mistress" myself. A headmaster or headmistress is about the same as a principal, but usually in an expensive private school. A hall monitor is usually a student who is responsible for maintaining order in the halls by alerting teachers or other staff to students � problems. |
26 Oct 2012
Thank you for your help. I think class representative will work out fine as well as teacher liaison.
Yes, my students would also say "teacher �s pet"!
have a great weekend!
26 Oct 2012
It used to be �form captain � but now it �s �class rep �. |
26 Oct 2012