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Make suggestions, report errors > 40 or 50 free downloads
40 or 50 free downloads
40 or 50 free downloads
I want to keep this brief and not go into a lot of explanation. The original 30 limit was set a long time ago. There are now haundreds of excellent worksheets being produced everyday which simply disappera into the ether after the first day.
Simply put my question is this: Is it worth asking Victor to increase the free downloads to 40 or 50? |
18 Jan 2009
I don�t think it�s that useful to increase the daily number. I still think it would be nice to have an additional option to download a few worksheets from the old ones for free every day - let�s say 5? But then - somebody pointed out some time ago, that that is, what your points are for. Quite right I suppose.
18 Jan 2009
In fact I don�t download more than twenty worksheets per day though I think it is a good idea...
.... but let me suggest this ... Those who have more than X ( a number in hundreds or housands) points can download 40 .. those who have Y ( a bigger number) points can download 50 and so on.. this way we can encourage people to share more...
My love to all the teachers of the site and to Victor.
18 Jan 2009
I agree with Meitz�s idea, a lot of us have been thinking that it might be a good idea to include a few older worksheets per day, week or month... It would help to get the old stuff circulating again.
19 Jan 2009