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Contrast Bach. Burlington Books
Contrast Bach. Burlington Books
My students of 1 and 2 Bach are working this year with the books "Contrast" by Burlington Books. However, they have only been asked to buy the class book, not the student�s book. However, it would be great for me (and for them) to have it so as to review especially vocabulary since it�s easy to find exercises to work the grammar anywhere. It would save me lots of time to have any material on these two books. Nevertheless, I can�t find them anywhere. Could any of you provide me with any type of material on these books, please? Thanks a lot in advance.
2 Nov 2012
I am also working this book. Our students have bought the workbook on their own. we indirectly asked them to do so. Don �t u have the teacher �s pack for exams and reinforcement and extension activities. How can I help u?
3 Nov 2012