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I�ve recently found these songs, hope U find this useful
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none,
And this little piggy went
wee wee wee all the way home
Daddy bear, daddy bear where are yoy here I am, here I am how do you do mommy bear, mommy bear where are you here i am, here I am how do you do mrother bear, brother bear where are you, here I am, here I am how do you do? sister bear, sister bear where are you, here I am, here I am how do you do? babay bear baby bear where are you, here I am here I am how do you do? |
9 Nov 2012
Pauline Burke MSc
Hi, I remember these rhymes from when I was a child in Ireland. The first rhyme was played with the foot, taking one toe at a time (this little piggy (toe). When you came to the final (little) toe you tickled the child.
The second rhyme was played with the hands, holding up one finger for each of the bears
Regards Pauline. |
10 Nov 2012