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Concerning online exercises > Online exercise not approved
Online exercise not approved
Online exercise not approved
Hello, My new online exercise has not been approved. How can I find out why? Thanks a lot, Margarita
11 Nov 2012
Dora Fernandes
Are you sure it wasn �t really approved, or it wasn �t in Word 2007? Or maybe its pictures weren �t comprised. That happens to me often, whenever I forget to prepare the work correctly. Where are you from in Poland? I know Poland very well, I �ve been there three times. Hugs from Portugal.
11 Nov 2012
And how do I know what is wrong with my exercise, so that I can fix it???? I have not received any feedback, just the rejection note "the exercise has not been approved". I have no idea what is wrong. It had never happened to me before. I went through all the rules, and I cannot see which one I have broken.
Also, can I fix the existing exercise, or do I need to start all over again???
And, Dora, I am from Lublin, south-eastern part of Poland. Have you been there?
Thanks for your reply. |
12 Nov 2012