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Grammar and Linguistics > Paid or payed?
Paid or payed?
alien boy
pay (as in money) & pay (as in verb with rope) are two distinct words. There is a 3rd form which is related to ship building - coating seems of a wooden vessel with tar in order to make it seaworthy.
pay (money related) is derived from Old French paiier (12th century) & Latin pacare which mean "to appease, pacify or satisfy"
pay (rope related) seems likely to be derived from Old French pendre or Latin pendere - "to hang or to weigh"
pay (tar related) is derived from Old French peier & Latin picare which mean "to cover with pitch"
payed (with regard to money" is now obsolete. If you go back a couple of hundred years you could have used it without any problem whatsoever!
20 Jan 2009
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