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Games, activities and teaching ideas > free rice for poor kids each time you guess an answer
free rice for poor kids each time you guess an answer
free rice for poor kids each time you guess an answer
Could we use it in class? Each time the students have a correct answer, they donate 10 grains of rice to poor people. In this way, we can help someone, and it is also very motivating for our students.
It is just questions about vocabulary. After each answer, they tell you which level of English you have... (it is meant for English speakers, not for foreigners, but many words have got a latin origin, so it is not too difficult).
Hope you like it. I have never used it in class yet, but I have used it with my kids and they like it a lot. The longer you play, the more food you are donating.
14 Nov 2012
I know the site and visit it at times. I only wonder who is WE, and also, do they count the grains patiently and accurately? Not one grain too many? Why not so?
14 Nov 2012
sweet hannah
An acquaintance told me about a similar site , but instead of vocabulary questions , you have to read. Some of my students are book worms, so if any of you knows the site - since my acquaintance didn �t remember it - please let me know .
Thanks in advance.
14 Nov 2012
I have never used this in class, but I have used it several times in one-on-one lessons and it was great. its also a nice extra homework to set: see how far the students can get to, and write down each answer they get right. |
15 Nov 2012
One.Org An effort to rally Americans to fight the emergency of global AIDS� Freeflour Established to help the world hunger problem by donating spoonfuls� Thehungersite Make free donations of food to give to feed hungry people Aidtochildren : helping children in need through learning. Helpthirst is a fun memory training game which donates water
15 Nov 2012